
Summer has arrived and with that so has the million dollar question - what will I do to keep these kids from saying they are bored every 10 seconds?  Lucky for you, there are actually a great deal of activities in our community for parents with children.  And even better, many of them won’t break the bank! Several activities are well suited for children of all ages.  The most obvious that comes to mind is the Indianapolis Children’s Museum.  Consistently ranked top in the nation, it offers activities for infants and

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? As an innovative and locally-based child care network ABC’s and 123’s is always open for new ideas that go in line with their vision.  This helps me to contribute with my expertise and knowledge towards the organization’s success. What is your favorite activity to do with the children? I love to participate with sensory and art activities with the infants. What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? I earned my high school diploma in Sri Lanka and completed

  After many months of cold winter, the season of sunshine is finally here. When summer vacation begins, we all dream of making special and lasting memories with our children. Here are some affordable, educational, and exciting options for your family this summer.   Make! Make a kite and fly it outside your house or at a nearby park. Make a time capsule. Include photos, today’s newspaper, a toy, and letters from his/herself, mom, and dad. Make a small garden and plant vegetables and flowers. Help the children take care of it. Make

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “I like the growth that their company has an I love the teachings that the students are getting. “ What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “Arts and crafts! I love when children show their own creativity.” What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? “ I have my CDA and will be going to school in the fall to get my Bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education.” What is your favorite thing about ABC’s & 123’s

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “Because I love to work with children and love to spend time with them.” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “Reading books” What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? “Complete my CDA and earn my Early Childhood Degree” What is your favorite thing about ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “ I just love working with the kids!” What are your hobbies? “ Watching movies, cooking, computers, and sewing”

“Marco!” you yell. “Polo!” comes the response. “Marco!” you repeat. And again “Polo!” This time though the reply is closer. You struggle to move through the water with eyes closed and arms outstretched hoping to just reach someone trying to slip by. “Marco!” again you yell. “Polo!” is the response all around you, one voice louder than the rest coming from right behind you. You spin around swinging your arm and just tag a foot as they try to dive away. Opening your eyes you see your new best friend

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? The friendliness of the staff and honest care for the children made it an easy choice. What is your favorite activity to do with the children? Creating art with the children is my favorite.  Hearing them explain what they have made and seeing the curiosity on their faces is priceless. What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? I hope to further my education in the early education field and utilize my background in the arts. What

1. Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “I heard great reviews about the school and love working with children.” 2. What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “Arts and Crafts” 3. What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? “In progress with completing my CDA” 4. What is your favorite thing about ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “The friendship I have created with the other staff and the relationship I have built with the students.” 5. What are your hobbies? “Taking the youth at our church

A lot happens in the first three years of life! No matter how many times we see children grow up (as kids tend to do!), the speed at which babies develop during the first three years never ceases to amaze us. Here are a few things that your baby is learning before they turn three: 1 – 3 Months At one month, babies can only focus between 8 and 12 inches away, just perfect for admiring your face. They are attracted to patterns and may turn toward familiar sounds, like your

1. Why did you choose to work at ABC’s & 123’s? I have always loved children and really love the kids and families and this center. 2. What is your favorite activity to do with the children? I love to read with the children. 3. What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? I originally went to school for cooking but have always liked working with people, more. I have a certification to be a home health aide, which I also do, because I love working with people.