
Our infant daycare programs at Weston School are designed to provide a nurturing and safe environment for young children and their families. We provide specialized care for infants from 6 weeks of age, offering an environment focusing on the needs of infants such as, feeding, naptime and developmental activities. Our experienced caregivers are trained to cater to the needs of infants giving them extra care, attention and interactive activities suitable for their early development. We partner with families to provide a high-quality daycare at an affordable cost. Importance of Daycare Children who

Spring into Learning: Fun and Educational Activities for Kids   Cultivating an engaging teaching plan for preschoolers can be somewhat challenging, especially with antsy children who have been cooped up inside all winter. Keeping them involved and hands-on will really help to keep them engaged and ready to learn. The aim is to strengthen gross and fine motor skills and promote strong cognitive and behavioral development. At Weston Schools, we strongly believe that these skills play a very important role in a child's overall development, so implementing them into our preschool learning