
How Weston School Prioritizes School Safety And Security?

The safety and well-being of students in schools are the most important concerns for
parents and educators. Creating a safe learning environment is essential for the
holistic development of children. School safety and security measures are not
merely protocols and procedures; they represent a fundamental commitment to
nurturing a conducive atmosphere where students can learn, grow, and thrive
without fear or distraction.
There is nothing more important than the safety and security of a child. Each day,
when a child comes to The Weston School, parents entrust the school for the safety
and wellbeing of all students. Weston School takes this responsibility seriously.
Security features and procedures are one of the main reasons for parents to
comfortably choose Weston School.

Why Do School Safety and Security Measures Matter?

Feeling safe and secure helps the child in many ways, some of which are

● Supports the physical, emotional and cognitive well-being of the child
● Boosts optimal learning environment
● Builds trust and confidence of parents
● Helps in preventing bullying and harassment
● Emergency Preparedness
● Promotes mental health
● Fosters a positive school culture

School Safety and Security at Weston School

Weston School has the following security features and systems in place for each of
the following systems.

1. Air Purification System

The children, on average, are sitting in the same room for almost eight hours a day;
that’s nearly half of their week. The quality of the air they breathe is essential to
ensure their health and safety. Air purification creates a healthy environment by air
filtration system that uses coils, filters, and ultraviolet light to significantly reduce
contaminants and bacteria and helps purify the air throughout the entire building.

2. Biometric Pad

The fingerprinting system allows the learning centre to be safe and secure. Each
individual who is authorised to pick up will have their fingerprint entered in the
system at Weston School. No one can enter the entryway/front door of the school
without scanning their fingerprint, and it is mandatory for guests to ring a doorbell.

3. Camera Security System

Cameras are installed in every classroom of Weston School. Each classroom has
24*7 hour audio and video recording. Every centre has a camera system that is
viewable for parents in the entryway.
Surveillance cameras have become ubiquitous in schools. These cameras are
strategically placed throughout the school premises, including corridors, classrooms,
and common areas. They provide continuous monitoring and recording of activities
within the school, which can be crucial in identifying and resolving security issues.
The presence of cameras acts as an obstacle to potential misconduct and allows for
a swift response to any incidents.

4. CPR/First Aid

Every member of staff is CPR/First Aid Certified. At Weston School it is vital for each
staff member to pass a national fingerprinting background check and a drug test to
be employed. All staff members complete 10+ hours of Health and Safety Orientation
Training to work in Weston schools.

5. Protection One Security

All centres are armed with a security system to monitor the centres after hours.

6. Parent Communication and Involvement

Open and transparent communication with parents is vital for school safety. Schools
often keep parents informed about safety measures and any incidents or
emergencies through various communication channels. Involving parents in safety
and security in school discussions and planning can help build trust and
collaboration, as they play an active role in ensuring their child’s security.

What Safety Measures Should be Checked While Enrolling the
Child in School?

1. Security Measures

● Digital fingerprinting entry
● Exterior locking doors
● Smoke alarms and fire extinguishers
● Classroom cameras with monitors
● Sign-in/sign-out system for guests

2. Physical Safety Measures

● Gates at the top & bottom of all the stairs
● Safe sleeping and play environments
● Toys in sanitized and good condition
● Cleaning supplies and similar measures are locked away
● Windows in every classroom for fresh air
● The facility is well-ventilated
● Furniture and equipment are in good repair
● Covered electrical outlets

3. General Safety Measures

● Low teacher-to-student ratios
● Regular teachers-to-student ratio checks
● Strict hygiene procedures, especially around diapers
● Children are supervised at all times
● Separate diaper and play areas
● High level of voluntary certifications (such as Indiana Paths to Quality)
● Regular inspections for health and cleanliness

4. Emergency Safety Measures

● Exit paths remain clear at all times
● Windows in every classroom for emergency egress
● Documented emergency evacuation plan
● First aid kits are available in every room


Safety in schools is necessary to support each child’s academic success, giving
them the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe and nurturing environment. Strict
policies on safety and security in school promote increased learning, feelings of
school unity, higher levels of prosocial behaviour, and decreased levels of violence.

Weston School’s primary concerns are the child’s safety, education, and well-being,
which is why the three pillars are Safety, Knowledge, and Nurture. Peace of mind as
a parent, knowing that the child is safe and happy every day, is also extremely
important to us.


How to teach children about safety?

Children should be taught about safety from an early age. From the age of 2,
children begin to follow safety guidelines and rules. However, it shouldn’t be
expected that the child will act in a safe and risk-free manner every time they
approach a risky situation but they will at least try to deal with it in a safe manner.

To help teach the child about safety use these tried and true methods:

● Use fun, interactive and practical activities. Through participation, children
learn to be aware of potentially dangerous things and hazards to avoid and
gain a healthy respect for safety precautions.
● Demonstrate safe behaviours. Most children will copy your actions in
preference to what you tell them verbally.
● Repeat safety rules often and be consistent. Explain to your children what you
are doing and why you are doing it by using language they can understand
and comprehend.
● Encourage safe play. Teach children how to avoid many injuries, such as
those resulting from unexpected falls at the playground.
● Manage the risk environment of your child but try not to control it. This helps
your child explore freely and to practise their personal safety skills with the
added benefit of developing their confidence and competence in their abilities.

Learn more about our comprehensive safety measures and educational programs. Contact us for more information.