
Benefits Children Get from Camps and Field Trips

Learning is so much more than sitting at a desk and listening to someone talk. A variety of educational experiences are especially impactful as a part of a curriculum for young students. Here are a few benefits children receive outside the traditional classroom setting from fieldtrips and educational camps.


Fieldtrips take children outside their normal day-to-day experiences.

  • They meet new people including civil servants like police officers and fire fighters; professionals in manufacturing, the food industry or retail; and different kinds of artists. This helps them to learn about their community, the different jobs people have, and develop dreams and aspirations for their own future careers.
  • They see new places like parks, factories, or businesses, broadening their understanding of how our world works and creating excitement about future opportunities. They get to practice behaving appropriately in different environments. Being in new scenarios with the guidance of their teachers and companionship of their fellow-students helps children to feel more confident in new situations.
  • They retain more of what they learned. New, fun, or unusual experiences are more memorable and they help students to remember lessons they learned during those times. Teachers can make the most of this by incorporating important lessons into fieldtrip activities.

School Break Camps

A break from the traditional classroom setting is important, but that doesn’t have to mean zoning out in front of the TV for hours. School Break camps make the most of breaks by helping kids learn in fun new ways. This curbs boredom by allowing kids to spend time with peers and exercise their body, mind, and creativity each day. They also help students maintain certain routines through the break like getting up in the morning and following teacher directions so that going back to school is an easier transition. Many camps get students out of the facility at least once per day for a fun excursion or educational trip. This is a great opportunity for children to create positive memories and enjoy experiential learning.