
Avoiding Summer Sickness With Your Children

After months of social distancing and quarantine time at home, it’s understandable that, with summer now upon us, you’d like to get out of the house in some capacity, whether that’s a trip to the park for a picnic or a few days at a state park. 

However, the coronavirus COVID-19 is not gone, and it’s up to you to figure out what activities you’re comfortable with, as well as how to keep your family as safe as possible when leaving the house for long periods of time. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how you can remain safe while enjoying the warmer weather and summer break. 

Family Outings

The most important thing to remember is that there’s no such thing as a zero-risk outing at the present time. Without a vaccine, the coronavirus is still a danger, and depending on your age and health, you could be at high risk for a severe case. That being said, there are things you can do to make it as safe as possible when you and the family do leave the house. 

If you live in a smaller town or suburb with fewer active cases, it’s far less risky than a heavily trafficked, more populated area like the city. But either way, experts say that the more time you spend and the closer the space you’re in, the higher the risk. If you’re looking to go to a park with just your family, that’s extremely low risk as long as you stay away from others. 

A front yard picnic with one other household can also be low risk as long as you do not use their bathroom or share utensils. When it comes to things like religious gatherings, indoor restaurants, and celebrations like weddings – even if they’re outdoors – you will likely be at a higher risk. 

Be Prepared

No matter how old they are, children are careless, which means they’re far more likely to forget about social distancing and best practices during this virus, especially now that it’s gone on for more than a few weeks, making it seem like everything is normal. You never know when your child might have grabbed an item at the grocery store or gotten too close to a stranger in public. 

That’s why being prepared by carrying sanitizing wipes, gel, or hand spray is crucial to you and your family’s safety. If your local store doesn’t have these items, as many places have struggled to keep them in stock, you’ll have to continue to stay cautious as you navigate your day-to-day life, remembering to continue social distancing, even if your kids have long since forgotten. 

Vacation Season

After months of Zoom meetings, Zoom classrooms, and homeschooling, it’s completely fair that you desperately need to get out of the house and relax. But can you do that safely? Above, we mentioned events and their degrees of safety, but what about a vacation? Not to sound repetitive, but it depends on a variety of factors. 

While going to the beach or hiking on an outdoor trail are low-risk activities, staying in a hotel or renting a house can be more questionable. Before committing to a place, check with the hotel front desk or rental service to find out how often and how well the rooms and spaces will be cleaned. Once you arrive, try to stay in your room when you’re not outside the hotel, as places like the lobby, gym, and indoor pool are much riskier. 

Time for a Haircut? 

Not quite. Because a haircut is an indoor activity that involves someone being near you for an extended period of time, it’s one of the highest risk activities you can do at this time, since COVID-19 is most often transmitted via breathing. Not to mention, even if your hairdresser does not have the virus, one of their customers earlier in the day could have, and it’s impossible to know. 

While your children’s hair is likely getting out of hand, for the time being, it’s probably best to either cut it yourself or let it grow out. Some experts believe that if COVID-19 is not prevalent in your area and if you and your hairdresser use a mask, the risk could be lower, but in the end, it’s up to you and your family. 

Continue Social Distancing

The safest way to avoid illness is to continue following the CDC’s guidelines and stay informed about the number of cases in your area. Remaining knowledgeable is the best way to keep you and your family from getting sick as this pandemic continues. Communicate calmly and honestly with the entire family, wash your hands, and wear a mask in public. It might be inconvenient and at times frustrating, but it keeps everyone safe and sets a good example for your children that even if you’re not sick or showing symptoms, you’re caring for others by following the guidelines. 

Also read, How to Care for the Emotional Needs of Children During Coronavirus

We Are On Your Team

Restrictions may have eased, but the effects of this pandemic will last a while longer. We hope our blog gives you the information you need during this time. For questions about our learning centers and how we’re reacting to this time, submit a contact form and we will be happy to answer any questions!