
Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “I’ve always wanted to work with kids and this seemed like a great opportunity” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “Either songs or art !  The kids love to sing , dance, and to make any type of art. It’s always fun to watch and do with them.” What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? “ I have a goal of completing my degree in Early Childhood Education.” What is your favorite thing about ABC’s

Here are five ways to help your kids thrive before five: 1. Engage them in conversation. Children are constantly learning. And how to have and hold a conversation is a vital piece of their development. So how you talk to them and how they see you communicate to others is how they will also begin to communicate. Not only will this help them later in life to talk to people, but it will also help them to learn to express themselves. Whether it is how they are feeling at the time

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? I was excited to work at a brand new location and help build a firm foundation with families and fellow teachers. What is your favorite activity to do with the children My favorite thing to do with children are art activities. Since I took art lessons from a young age, art is very close to my heart. What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? My alma mater is Liberty University in Virginia, where I graduated with three minors

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center?   “Being able to work with kids keeps the sunshine in my life, and knowing I can make a difference is a huge deal to me.” What is your favorite activity to do with the children?   “I like to be able to act like a kid myself and have fun throughout the day!” What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education?   “I have completed my CDA and will be renewing it soon. I look forward to learning more through  trainings

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? "I choose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center because I love children. When I went and sat in a class, I know then that this was the place for me.” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? "My favorite activity to do with the children is painting." What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? "I’m currently in my last year of college, I would like to be a probation officer for teens and I want to

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? "Because it seemed like a grounded learning facility." What is your favorite activity to do with the children? "Look who came to school today. It gives the children chance to listen to other students and gets them moving first thing in the morning." What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? "Within the next year, work toward my Associate in Early Childhood Education and will be earning my CDA within the next three months." What is your favorite thing about

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “ I chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center because of their outlook on learning and learning through play.” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “My favorite activity to do with the children is science experiments and making artwork.” What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? “I have college credits in Early Childhood Education.  My goals are to continue my ECE Education.” What is your favorite thing about ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “My favorite thing

 Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “The staff was so welcoming and friendly, I had just moved here from Illinois and everyone was so helpful” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “Painting-we do a lot of painting, I love to see them get excited about the new items I give them to paint with. I like to incorporate different sensory objects to give the children a full scope of learning.” What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? “I have an