
Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “ABCs & 123s has always been a very respectable company. They honor and value family and are great with the children.” What is your favorite thing about working for us? “I truly love that ABCs embraces and respects various cultures and backgrounds. I believe it is extremely important that everyone be treated equally.” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “My absolute favorite activity to do with the children is teaching Spanish. They are at the perfect age to absorb and retain information.” What

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? "When I toured ABC’s & 123’s for my son, I noticed how nice the facility and the playgrounds looked. The rooms were great and I loved how friendly, welcoming, and professional the staff and atmosphere was. I knew this was somewhere I would also enjoy working." What is your favorite activity to do with the children? "I love to do art. It is so fun to see what children create from material and ideas we give them. Sometimes they take our idea and take

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “I chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center because I like what they stand for.” What is your favorite thing about working for us? “I love how the staff and management are so supportive of each other.” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “I love to do art with my kiddos. Finger painting is something they love and I enjoy watching their faces light up while they paint.” What are your hobbies? “My favorite hobbies are watching scary movies and baking.” What education goals do you

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “I heard great things about the center and especially the staff.” What is your favorite thing about working for us? “I love the fun environment and the love of wanting to teach that comes from all the teachers.” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “We love to sing and conduct class experiments.” What are your hobbies? “I enjoy singing, hanging out with my kids and going on adventures.” What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? “Currently I am

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? "I love working with children and ABC's & 123's Learning Center is a great environment in which I can grow as a teacher." What is your favorite activity to do with the children? "My favorite things to do with the children are music and dancing." What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? "I have one year of college and my goal is to obtain my BA in Elementary Education." What is your favorite thing about ABC’s & 123’s Learning

Choosing the right preschool for your child will be one of the most important decisions you make.  Preschool is a foundational piece to setting the groundwork for your child’s educational career.  A successful preschool experience can set your child up with a positive view of educational settings, especially as they transition to kindergarten. Communicating with your child’s preschool teacher is vital to ensure you make the most of their time in the program.  Below are some of the top questions to ask your child’s preschool teacher to find out how his

Being a parent is one of the greatest accomplishments a person will ever achieve in their life.  With parenthood comes lots of decisions, some of which will pale in comparison to others. Some decisions, such as where you choose to send your child to preschool, will have an impact for years to come.  The hope is that the preschool you choose for your child will have a positive impact, not only in their educational success, but also in their social, emotional, and overall well being.  The ABCs and 123s Learning

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? When I came in for an interview, I felt like we were one big family. I felt really invited and there was a warm feeling with the staff and children. I really enjoyed coming in and seeing all of the smiling faces and being with the friendly and professional staff here. What is your favorite activity to do with the children? Being in the Three’s, I love doing the “Dinosaur March”. The kids get so involved and have so much fun marching around

Why did you chose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? "The professionalism. I really like the professionalism of the environment and of the staff. The place is clean, the staff is friendly, and we are all professionally dressed." What is your favorite activity to do with the children? "I really enjoy doing art with the children. The messy fun is a great way to get the kids involved. I love being creative with art because there is so much that you can do to grasp the children’s interests." What education do you have and goals

Why did you choose ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center? “ I saw that there is room for growth in the company” What is your favorite activity to do with the children? “I enjoy large group activities” What education do you have and goals do you have in regards to your education? “I graduate in December 2017 with my associates in Early  Childhood Education from Indiana Wesleyan University.  One day, I would like to be a Director at a childcare center.” What is your favorite thing about ABC’s & 123’s Learning Center?  “ I love the staff and