
4 Studies that Banish Parent Guilt About After-School Programs


I’m late to pick up the kids from school…. again. I hate this.  

Four o-clock, and the sun shines like the day is ready to burst with potential. But instead of playing in the grass or doing cartwheels with my kids, I’m stuck in traffic.

Traffic moves at five miles an hour, and at every mile marker, I can feel my energy draining.


Most of us wish there were more hours in the day. Enough to complete a full day of work, run errands, help kids with homework, eat a home-cooked meal, AND get some play time in. The good news is that there are other options to make the most of the hours we do have.

Many parents needlessly feel guilt about enrolling their kids in childcare or an afterschool care, when research shows that these programs actually BENEFIT children.

Here are four ways that kids can benefit from afterschool programs.

  1. Kids in after school care are less likely to get in trouble.

According to Reading Rockets, “Students who spend no time in extracurricular activities, such as those offered in after-school programs, are 49 percent more likely to have used drugs and 37 percent more likely to become teen parents than are those students who spend one to four hours per week in extra curricular activities.”

  1. After school care keeps your kids safe and engaged.

Afterschool Alliance reported in 2014 that 11.3 million kids are on their own after school, and that “Afterschool programs are essential to keep kids safe, engage children in enriching activities, and give peace of mind to moms and dads during the out-of-school hours.”

  1. After school time may help kids learn to deal with conflict better.

Another study based out of the Baltimore area in 1998 found “students in after-school programs generally handled conflicts better, were more cooperative with adults and with peers, and had better social skills”

  1. After school time can help develop children’s social and emotional skills, including work ethic.

American Institutes for Research highlight Deborah Moroney’s research on afterschool time and its effect on students’ social and emotional learning. A series of briefs in January 2016 discuss how afterschool time can benefit social and emotional development as well as develop good work habits and a strong work ethic,

In After School Care, Kids:

  • Are supervised and safe
  • Enjoy physical activity
  • Get help with homework from a teacher
  • Eat a snack and have a little down time
  • Unplug from the television
  • Spend time with other kids

So what are you waiting for? Get rid of that guilt and make the most of every hour of the day. Contact us today!