
3 Kids Learning Activities for Spring

The smell of fresh cut grass and barbeques, the sight of newly sprung flowers and tree tops, spring is finally about to make its entrance after a chilly winter! With this warmer weather also comes an opportunity for children to play outside and get some fresh air after being cooped up for the last several months. Here are three of the best learning activities for children this spring as they are out enjoying warmer weather.

Seed Planting

kidandplantWebWatching plants grow over time after they are planted is a great way to encourage children and show them the beautiful way that life works. They get to learn how nature works and get to understand the responsibility of taking care of something. This educational experience will give them a passion for their environment and allow them to fully appreciate our earth. A great flower seed to use for this activity is the giant sunflower because children can become fascinated with its height.

Butterfly Studies

butterfly-17057_1280Another fun spring learning experience for children is watching butterflies and learning about how they function. A simple set up for caterpillars as they cocoon will be very exciting as the children watch them each day and eventually get to see them hatch into a butterfly. In addition, pacing orange slices in a bowl this spring will attract additional butterflies that your child can watch.

Kite Flying

Img214693507Go fly a kite, seriously! Creating a kite with your children and allowing them to learn about the environment and what makes a kite fly is an unforgettable experience. There are plenty of crafty kites that offer an added learning experience in subjects such as math, science, and spelling.

Spring is the perfect time to do all of these things while the weather is comfortable and your children are able to finally get some fresh air. If you have any additional ideas, please feel free to post them on our Facebook wall! For more crafts and learning activities, visit us on Pinterest.