
Weston School: The Best Daycare for Infants

Our infant daycare programs at Weston School are designed to provide a nurturing and safe environment for young children and their families. We provide specialized care for infants from 6 weeks of age, offering an environment focusing on the needs of infants such as, feeding, naptime and developmental activities. Our experienced caregivers are trained to cater to the needs of infants giving them extra care, attention and interactive activities suitable for their early development. We partner with families to provide a high-quality daycare at an affordable cost.

Importance of Daycare

Children who have been to full-time, high-quality daycare programs as infants show positive, long-term outcomes.  When children start young, they can reap the benefits that a well-equipped daycare has to offer.

Here are the known benefits for infants at a Daycare

1.Brain Development

As their brains are young and developing, early learning and interactions with experienced caregivers has a profound impact on the brain’s development. A child’s brain responds to visual, physical and oral stimulation. Children that have had a longer experience in daycare from infancy through toddler life have better outcomes in language, social and emotional skills.

2.Social Skills

An infant develops social and emotional skills from the period of newborn till the age of five years through social interactions with other children and their caregivers.

3.Healthy Outcomes

Babies and toddlers who go to daycares tend to have better health through various physical activities they are subjected to at daycares, being up to date with immunizations that are required at the time of enrollment and having high quality care provided by the caregivers.

4. Academic readiness

Children who have been in daycares for a longer duration are better prepared for future education, as they learn from very early on to remain flexible and responsible, working better with information and staying focused on details.

Quality Care at Weston School

At Weston school we strive for excellence and are committed to provide a high-quality childcare and early education. While the benefits of a daycare are many, not all daycare facilities match up to the level of care our experienced caregivers provide at Weston School. We offer an engaging environment that is suited to every child’s needs maintaining a safe and stimulating environment striving to support a child’s growth at every stage of the child’s development – all while providing the house like comfort. Some of the qualities at Weston school daycare that sets them apart from other daycares are

1. Stimulating Environment

First impression is very important to us, you will feel the vibrancy, clean and a home like environment right away as soon as you enter our daycare facility. Our welcoming daycares have age-appropriate environments that are suited to children of every age from infancy to toddler hood. We provide stimulating toys of different sizes and materials teaching infants to coordinate their movements and learn to reach out and grasp. When older the infants are taught to compare objects differentiate objects based on color.

2.Defined Areas

Our Infant rooms have clutter free and open space for crawling babies and floors suited for tummy time. Our rooms are divided into separate areas for sleeping, eating, playing and a diaper station thus ensuring the active infants do not disturb the sleeping ones.

3.Child-Sized Furniture

The chairs and tables at our facility are safe and right size for infants that start crawling and walking and are learning to be independent.

4. Qualified Caregivers

Our caregivers are certified, trained and have the expertise in what is required for infant care and early childhood development. They are specially trained in CPR and other emergency procedures. Our caregivers are known to be respectful, communicative and caring towards infants and toddlers and are eager to partner with the parents in caring for and educating the children.


Our Daycare center go above and beyond to ensure the safety of your little one. We incorporate safety measures such as childproofing, covering every outlet, baby gates on staircases, strapping changing tables and highchairs, keeping small objects away from the reach of children, cribs situated away from windows, securing sanitary supplies.


We prioritize the safety and security of our children at Weston School to ensure that they have a secure environment where they can lean and play.


To begin with we realize that drop off and pick up times are the most crucial in terms of security, hence we have a keyless entry system ensuring that the outside doors can be accessed by parents only.


By installing a surveillance system outdoor, entryways and in the classrooms, we perform a visual screening of the facility to ensure there is no unwanted strangers lurking around the school premises. Indoor cameras allow parents to view their child and know that they are safe and being well taken care of by the staff ensuring both safety and quality in care.


By recording the time of arrival and departure not only helps to keep the premises more secure but also keeps a check on the entry and exit of a child if there is any dispute in the future.

Importance of Hygiene at Our Daycare

Children are frequently exposed to bacteria’s and germs in the school premises and on contact with other children by contact, coughing, sneezing or touching other surfaces like toys, furniture food and cutlery that are contaminated. We try our best to maintain and implement proper sanitations in our facility thereby minimizing the risk of spread of infections by

  • Ensuring our caregivers regularly wash their hands and use hand sanitizers.
  • Encouraging children follow appropriate hand washing practices
  • Wiping down equipment’s and toys regularly
  • Sanitizing and disinfecting bathrooms, kitchens, sleep and play areas
  • Implementing proper handling of food, milk formula preparation and food storage
  • Using appropriate diaper changing and discarding methods
  • Using appropriate measures while wiping the nose of children and teaching them to wipe their nose buy themselves eventually
  • Ensuring the children are properly immunized according to their recommended schedule.
  • Providing parents with information on exclusion of their children during an illness or communicative disease.

Learning Experiences for Infants

Our affordable Daycare for infants implements high-quality programs using developmentally appropriate practices that are planned based on the individual age of each child, focusing on physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language development.


Our highly skilled caregivers recognize the growing independence of every child and encourage their motor development by giving them more challenging toys to explore and encourage movements like reaching for objects, rolling, sitting, crawling and walking.


Babies learn by meaningful interactions with their parents and caregivers, our caregivers help them with learning social interactions like sharing, making friends, taking turns and more.


The developing brain of an infant is very curious; babies learn by exploring things around them. Your child’s caregiver will ensure to provide them with problem solving skills thus guiding them and helping each child in the development of their cognitive skills while paying close attention to all aspects of development and problem-solving capability.


Our teachers use sign language to effectively communicate with the infants to help them begin to understand language and conversation. We encourage child and caregiver interactions such as reading a book, singing to the child and talking thus providing one-on-one attention.

Searching for Infant care near you?

The nurturing environment and dedicated staff at WESTON SCHOOL provide a safe and loving daycare experience for your little one. Our affordable daycare for infants focuses on early childhood development in a supportive and engaging environment. Our programs offer an environment focused on the individual needs of your child. Our caregivers are trained to handle delicate needs of infants, ensuring they receive attentive care and regular interaction. Call us to schedule a tour of our infant daycare near you or visit our website to know more.