
Things You Must Know About Our Before and After-School Programs

Kids require attention throughout the day in their toddler phase. As parents, it may sometimes become challenging to balance work and kids. To assist you in this challenge, Weston School is there for you. With our before and after-school programs in Indiana, we extend our services to kids beyond school hours. It is a great relief for parents to know that their kids are in safe hands until they arrive. The need for childcare services can occur to parents who have daily commitments to work. At the same time, having someone to look after their kids is crucial. When this aid comes from a learning center like Weston School, parents no longer have to stress over the safety and comfort of their children.

At Weston School, we provide both preschool and before and after-school programs. As a comprehensive learning center, we are dedicated to ensuring a child’s development, comfort, and safety. You may enroll your kids for before and after-school care in Indiana at Weston School. In this blog, we will guide you through all the essential details of before and after-school programs.

What are before-school programs?

You may get some ideas by reading the term before-school care. Yes, before-school programs are the ones where we take care of your kids even before the classes begin. Simply put, parents who have to leave early for their work commitments, may drop their kids at our campus hours before school starts. It helps parents balance their work and their kid’s school without compromising either.

During before-school programs, we take care of your kids until classes start. During this time, kids may complete their homework, study, eat, or play around with others. Once the classes begin, kids join the classes. By the time classes begin, our caregivers take care of your kid and ensure their safety and comfort.

What are after-school programs?

Just like before-school, after-school programs work. During after-school care, kids can stay on our campus even after classes are over. Kids can stay with us until their parents arrive to pick them up. It is a helpful solution for parents who can find it challenging to pick up their kids after school hours end. By the time parents can return and pick up their kids, we ensure your kids are comfortable and safe on our campus.

After school hours, kids can play around in the playground, complete their homework, or eat. Throughout the after-school hours, our caregivers ensure the safety and comfort of kids. Not just this, siblings can also join their brothers and sisters enrolled during after-school hours. Siblings of our kids who are enrolled in a different school can join them during after-school. We ensure the safety and comfort of your kids until you arrive to pick them up. Having siblings around also gives kids a sense of security.

Weston School: Before and after-school care

Are you looking for before-school care in Indiana? Weston School could be the right choice for your kid. At our campus, we provide before and after-school care programs. Kids get to learn and play even during these hours. They can indulge in learning new skills or finish their homework.

At Weston School, we provide before and after-school care services at all our campuses. Currently, we are operational at four centers, and before and after-school programs are available in all these centers:

  • Avon (317-272-2336)
  • Indianapolis (317-328-8988)
  • Noblesville East (317-674-8528)
  • Noblesville West (317-399-7551)

You may choose a center as per your preference and get your kid enrolled today! These services can help parents balance their work and kids without much hassle. You may also enroll your kids in transportation services available at Weston School. We can pick up and drop off your kids without you having to visit our campus!

How do before and after school benefit kids?

Are you wondering why you should enroll your kids in school-age childcare in Indiana? Here is a list that will help you understand the various benefits you get to enjoy with before and after-school programs:

Work-life balance for parents

One of the very basic benefits of before and after-school programs is that they benefit parents. Working parents or those who may find it challenging to drop off or pick up their kids from school at the exact hour may find these services quite beneficial. Those who have to leave early for work or those who return a bit later than the school hour can balance their commitments with our childcare services.

Safety & security of kids

Your kid’s safety and security are our responsibility until you arrive. You may think of transportation services as an alternative. However, even with pick-and-drop services, you need someone to take care of your kids until you come to them. With our childcare services, our caregivers are there with your kids to take care until you arrive.

Learning new skills

During before and after-school programs, students get to learn new skills. They can play around with their friends and even indulge in their hobbies. Be it painting, drawing, dancing, etc. we are there to let your kids explore themselves in a safe and nurturing environment.

Socialization among kids

Before and after school hours are also an optimal time when kids can socialize with others. Be it with kids of the same age, teachers, or caregivers, kids get to communicate with them. It also helps them learn social and communication skills.


If you are one of the parents who is struggling to find a balance between work and kids, Weston School is there for you! We provide exceptional care, learning, and comfort to our kids. The dedication of our team to ensuring kids’ safety and playful learning is what makes us stand apart. Our childcare services of before and after-school programs help parents like you. Contact us today to enroll your kids in our special before and after-school programs. We care for your kid just like you do. Attend your life commitments without any hassle and forget about compromising your work or kids anymore. We are there to assist your kids at every step for their best interests.